Life without electricity is unthinkable. As a nation we are used to a variety of electrical devices that rely on a mains power supply. Shut that supply off and this is when people panic. They look for other solutions to provide heat, light and power, such as emergency generators for example.
How much respect do you give to home electrics though? Sure, you might appreciate having a constant source of electricity but where do you stand from a safety perspective, have you any idea of the types of dangers you might be facing every single day?
Very simple checks around the house could improve the safety of your dwelling. Do this to become a safer, electricity-conscious home.
Basic Electrical Safety Checks
Go around the home checking for obvious danger signs that could indicate you have an electrical safety risk. Rather worryingly, homeowners often fail to do this, yet a simple check could pinpoint problem areas, and this could prevent electrical overloads or fire risks in the future.
Basic safety check could include:
Checking Fusebox is up to date and has RCD/MCB protection
When was the last time you had your household electrics looked at by an electrician? At the very least take a look at the fuseboard that controls the household electricity supply. Is it protected by mini circuit breakers and RCD safety features so the power will trip if there’s a sudden surge caused by faulty appliances?
Examining power sockets and ensuring they’re not overloaded
What’s the easiest way to power multiple appliances from a single socket outlet? An adapter is one solution, plug a multitude of items into it and away you go, powering any number of items at once. Think about the safety risks involved with this though. This action could result in a socket overload and this might cause in a fire.
Looking at leads and cables for signs of wear and tear
Frayed, split and chewed cables on electrical appliances is on obvious sign of danger. Iron flexes and the like are prime candidates that could become dangerous if the cable is showing signs of wear and tear. If you can see wires exposed through the outer sheathing of the cable it’s time to replace the appliance, or at the very least, get somebody suitably qualified to replace the flex.
Turning off electrical items when not in use
Don’t leave electrical items switched on if you’re not using them. This is especially important for heaters or other high wattage appliances that could become dangerous if left alone for too long. For safety sake, switch off electrics if you’re not using items around the house.
Not trailing cables under carpets or rugs
Although it looks neater to conceal cables under floor coverings this isn’t exactly the safest method to hide ugly wires away. Not only could people trip over lumps in carpet, the cables could become hot, and this could result in a fire risk.
Thankfully, if you take a proactive approach to electrical safety around the home you can protect life and property from danger. Use these electrical safety tips with our blessing at Generator Power and should you require emergency or standby power at any point, don’t hesitate to contact us.